Your GMB membership number is a 6-digit number that typically ends with the letter ‘P’ (e.g. 123456P).
Your GMB membership number is a unique reference code that enable us to identify you. You should always keep a note of your membership number as you will need to vote in important ballots, sign on at picket lines, receive strike pay etc.
When you first joined the union, you were issued with a membership card either physically, or as of January 01 2024, digitally.
Note: If you would like to receive a digital membership card, please login to MyGMB via our national website, where a digital version of a membership card can be downloaded to your wallet on iOS and Android devices, or in PDF format, and saved to any digital device.
We also include your membership number in electronic correspondence, please check back over any previous emails or SMS as you may find it there. Likewise, you could always ask your workplace representative as they should keep records.
If you still cannot find your membership number, please contact us via email or phone.
T: 0151 727 0077