GMB union Legal Services & Benefits

Your membership offers much more than just work-related support! We understand that a well-rounded life extends beyond the workplace. Keep reading to discover the exciting range of services and benefits available to you as a GMB member.

This comprehensive package goes beyond just legal advice and representation for work issues. We offer a variety of services and benefits to enrich your life in numerous ways, from discounts to financial support, and more!

Legal Services & Benefits Statement

“Welcome to the North West & Irish Legal Services - working for you and your family!

"We have a dedicated legal team who can provide help with legal services to our members throughout the region.

"We work with selected specialist solicitors/panel firms to provide support for employment related Legal claims and personal injury/industrial disease claims.

"For Employment claims, you should always contact your Regional Organiser first to discuss the issues. All Employment claims must go through this process.

"With Personal Injury claims, we deal with a range of issues regarding accidents at work, industrial diseases etc.

"We also offer a service for accidents outside of work, which also cover your family members*, such as slips and trips, animal bites, clinical negligence, road traffic and other travel related incidents. If you have suffered a personal injury in the last 3 years, complete our personal injury form or contact GMB Regional Office on 0151 727 0077 and press 3 for Legal.

"All members are eligible to access our Personal Injury Legal services from the moment they join us. So do not delay, as tomorrow may be too late."

In solidarity,

Neil Holden, Senior Organiser - Legal

*Family members must live in your household (spouse/partner/child)

Paul Holleran GMB union education
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